
The healthiest recipe for summer...

Traditional Gazpacho


10 oz of bread
21 oz. of tomato
2 cloves of garlic
2 onions
2 red and green peppers
1 cucumber (optional)
7 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons of vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoon of water
Cumin (optional)


In a big mortar mash the cumin, the garlic and the soaked bread, in a plastic bowl mix the chopped onion, the chopped tomato, the oil, the vinegar, the salt and the contents of the mortar, mash it with the mixer and add very cold water to mix everything. Add salt and strain it. Keep it in the fridge until served.
Serve with the tomato, the cucumber, the pepper and the toasted bread cut to dices.

Mª Jose sister

1 comment:

  1. Great job.
    From my experience, we Spaniards are big fans of Gazpacho because our summer is sooooo long and hot. In other countries such as Ireland they are not very fond of Gazpacho. "Cold soup???", they say as if it's the craziest thing they've ever heard in their lives. They say it takes time to get used to the idea.
    I just love Gazpacho sooo much I could have it everyday.
    C u Wednesday,
