
Hi everyone,

Have you taken a look to the new automatic internet translators? In my opinion, they are amazing!
For example, visit http://tradukka.com/  This what we can get of it:

Se acabó. El tan cacareado apagón analógico ya es realidad. Nunca desenchufar algo se había vendido como algo revolucionario; como un antes y un después, como algo que vendrá a cambiar nuestras vidas. Al menos esas casi cuatro horas al día que nos pasamos delante de lo que algunos llaman la caja tonta, la que sirve para que una inmensa mayoría se empape con los documentales de la dos.

It's over. The much vaunted analogue switch is already reality. Never unplug anything was sold as something revolutionary, like a before and after, as something that will change our lives. At least those nearly four hours a day we spent in front of what some call the idiot box, that serves to soak overwhelmingly with two documentaries.

Why not get yourself a try?

By the way, this site translates in real time and uses the same engine that Google translator does.

On the ohter hand, be careful and not throw you in the lazyness of doing everything by this engine. It makes no sense studying English and not practizing it! Consider it as an assistance not an assistant.

P.S. This article was not made or helped by any kind of automatic translator


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Gabriel ^^
    I think it would be very useful for me to prepare my university assessments.
    But I promise to try to do it first by myself ;)
