
Gabriel's Honda Complaint

Gabriel Solsona

28, Tadworth St

Manchester 6GHQ T2T

Mr. Alan Branson

Honda Automotive Division 

Consumer Complaint Department

P.O. Box 23444, London SE1P 5FJ

April 14, 2010

Dear Mr. Branson,
Having been notified on my 1999 Honda Accord recall due to an air bag issue, I left my car on Monday 7th just perfectly cleaned in order to be fixed in your Birmingham dealership. I
was asked to wait for two days to make the airbag modifications.

Unfortunately, the service I have received was not at the height your Company is supposed to be. I am disappointed because once I picked up my car, I found my CD collection scattered on out the passenger side front seat and they have fingerprints all over. The worst discovery was to
see McDonald’s remnants on the seats and the whole car smells like cigarettes.

To resolve this problem, I would appreciate an in depth explanation about the origin of such messy situation as a first measure. Then, I demand you demand that you leave my car as it was in the minimum time amount possible. Meanwhile, and as a kind of compensation, I would like to ask for a substitution car during the interval time interval this problem takes to be  resolved.

Finally, the car remains in the dealership for obvious reasons. So, I look forward for to your immediate reply before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau.

Please contact me at the above address or by phone at +44 262 99 77 45

Faithfully yours,
Yours sincerely,

Gabriel Solsona

Gabriel Solsona


These shoes look a bit scuffed

Tomorrow's listening is about complaining in a shop... and something tells me that this image can help you follow the listening a bit better.
See u 2morrow!


Bandwidth is the New Black Gold? - Easter Homework

Hello again,

This is my Easter Season homework,

Below, it is my article of interest taken from Time Magazine:

Bandwidth is the new black gold

And here is my questions:

1. American families will start to spend more in bandwidth than in energy (True/False)

2. Eventually, the slowdowns will disappear (True/False)

3. Infraestructures of private television networks and telephone companies start to get worried for higher Internet bandwidth. (True/False)

4. Concerning wireless bandwidth: because demand is growing, the real bandwidth shortages will be in wireless. (True/False)

See you all next Wednesday in class,

Hi everyone,

Have you taken a look to the new automatic internet translators? In my opinion, they are amazing!
For example, visit http://tradukka.com/  This what we can get of it:

Se acabó. El tan cacareado apagón analógico ya es realidad. Nunca desenchufar algo se había vendido como algo revolucionario; como un antes y un después, como algo que vendrá a cambiar nuestras vidas. Al menos esas casi cuatro horas al día que nos pasamos delante de lo que algunos llaman la caja tonta, la que sirve para que una inmensa mayoría se empape con los documentales de la dos.

It's over. The much vaunted analogue switch is already reality. Never unplug anything was sold as something revolutionary, like a before and after, as something that will change our lives. At least those nearly four hours a day we spent in front of what some call the idiot box, that serves to soak overwhelmingly with two documentaries.

Why not get yourself a try?

By the way, this site translates in real time and uses the same engine that Google translator does.

On the ohter hand, be careful and not throw you in the lazyness of doing everything by this engine. It makes no sense studying English and not practizing it! Consider it as an assistance not an assistant.

P.S. This article was not made or helped by any kind of automatic translator
