
Happy belated Valentine's day everyone

Hey guys!
How's life? Do you celebrate Saint Valentine's Day? I know in Spain is not such a big deal but in the States is huge.
Well, I was reading the New York Times and I found this really interesting article:
It's about how humans express emotions, but not through words... interested? Let's read!

Homework: Prepare 3 questions about the text. You'll be testing each other about it on Monday.

By the way, our new classroom is very nice. Room 2.3

Have a good weekend!


More food for the brain

Hi Teresa, hi everyone,

Yes, exam periode has came and gone. I hope everyone be happy and satisfied. I'm sorry for Teresa, she has to mark all our tests :(.
Anyway, lately,  I've been spending my time listening to the BBC Podcasts about the history of the world in 100 objects. It consists in one hundred radio programmes, 15 minutes long each and they talk about a topic of the history around a object of the British Museum. The very best thing is that there are the transcript of each programme and it is real RP English. So why not give a try?

Here is the hyperlink:

Very addictive!

Kisses and hugs to everybody.


Listening practice

 Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff (pronounced /ˈmeɪdɒf/[3]; born April 29, 1938) is a former stock broker, investment adviser, non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, and the admitted operator of what has been described as the largest fraudulent investment operation in history.

Hello everyone,
The February exams are over and you have a lovely two-week break from the English class. Wondering what are you going to do every Monday and Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00? I'll use the blog to give you some ideas. Here is the first one.

Skill: Listening comprehension

Task:Fill the gaps

NPR (national public radio) This was the source of the first listening of the exam "Olives and Oranges" by the way.

Listen to Alexandra Penney on her book "The bag lady papers".

Follow the link:

  • Alexandra Penney has had noteworthy jobs as __________________________________ and best-selling author.

  • She started ___________________________________ when she was 16.

  • She can't say how much money she lost due to the Madoff scandal because there are _________________

  • She has a frightening visual image of being _________________________________________

  • Her new book started as a ______________

  • One of Alexandra best known achievements is the invention of _____________________ campaign.

  • She had ____________________  as savings in the bank when the scandal was known.

  • She describes the experience of losing all her money as priceless because she has learned to ask ____________________

  • After surviving losing her money, she reckons she can ____________________ anything.

We'll check the answers in class!
Coming soon: Reading task
Take care,