

It would appear that Tokyo has always been the amazing metropolis that we know, but the truth is that Tokyo is the capital city of Japan just since 1868 when the emperor decided to move his residence from Kyoto to Tokyo converting the old Edo Castle in the actual Imperial Palace of Japan,

During the Second World War Tokyo suffered really hard times, but from the 50’s the city was completely rebuilt, it was called the “economical miracle”, and it didn’t stop till the city became one of the most populous cities in the world.

When you arrive Tokyo for the first time you feel like in a science fiction film, everything is so soaring that your eyes are not enough to capture every building, every light, and every little detail, because everything looks so new and exciting for you.

The area of Shinjuku, full of skyscrapers, is in the heart of Tokyo, and is probably the best strategic point to visit the rest of the attractions. The Shinjuku underground station is the busiest in the world, and you will have to choose between more than 200 exits, but don’t worry, it’s not so difficult to find yours.

In Shibuya you can find a huge number of nightclubs and karaoke’s, and there is no doubt that is the funniest area of the city. If you decide to going out some night, definitely Shibuya is the place to be. The popular Shibuya Cross is simply spectacular

Ueno Park, the most famous in Japan, deserves one whole day because it includes some special temples, beautiful views, funny buskers, the national museum of Tokyo, and even a zoo!

Akasuka is the traditional neighbourhood of Tokyo where you can visit Sensoji Temple, the most important Buddhist temple in the city. Around the temple you can find a delightful street market where to buy Japanese craftwork, sweets, or even tacky and kitsch souvenirs that you never expected to find there.

Yoyogi is the trendiest area of the city; there you will find young designers shops, local artists, and a crazy mixture of urban tribes hanging around.

If you want to escape a couple of days from the bustling of Tokyo you should visit Kyoto, known as the cultural capital where you will visit incredible places like the Golden Pavilion.

Japanese people are extremely hospitable. They will help you to find any place; even they go with you to make sure you don’t get lost on the way. The food is varied (not only Sushi as many people think) cheap and delicious. It would seem that everything is clogged because there’s so much people, but everything works perfectly, the train always arrives at time, the underground smells nice, and streets are so clean that you could walk barefoot.

I could tell you scores of anecdotes, but i will choice a simple one: Japanese’s are very careful with their appearance, specially with their hair, but I never expected to go to a nightclub and find a hairdresser’s next to the dance floor!

Definitely, Japan is another world.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Pedro!Great job. I like your introductory sentence:"It would appear..."..."but the truth is...". I also notice that you used some of the words we studied in Unit 3: "clogged",scores of","hordes".
    When, in the last paragraph, you said " I will choice" the correst word is "choose" ("choice" is a noun, not a verb).
    Keep up the good work.
    Have a good weekend.Teresa
